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Culture as a way to overcome the demographic crisis. International scientific conference

Published: 26.09.2023

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· In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of discussion about how to overcome the demographic crisis.

· Many commentators see solutions to the problem in political and social programs.

· The Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium are organizing an international scientific conference to present the cultural aspects of the demographic crisis and possible measures in this area to improve the situation.

· The event, titled "Cultural aspects of family policy - an add-on or the basis of an effective prescription for the demographic crisis?" will be attended by experts from Poland, the US, the UK and Hungary.

· The speakers will discuss issues related to the image of the family in mass culture, revolutionary changes in gender and sexuality, and the impact on demography of phenomena such as feminism and secularization.


Since the late 1990s, Poland has been among the countries with the lowest fertility rates in the world. Currently, our country ranks 213rd out of 227 listed countries and territories. Conference participants will lean into the cultural background of the demographic crisis. Among the causes of the demographic collapse belonging to this area are global trends undermining family culture and the ethos of sacrifice for children and loved ones, the ubiquitous promotion of consumption and convenience, and the pressure to seek fulfillment in life solely in professional work. At the same time, revolutionary changes are taking place in the areas of gender, sexuality and the family itself. Added to this is the decades-long wave of divorces and the growing popularity of cohabitation.

The conference will be attended by representatives of various fields - law, sociology or economics, representing research centers from the US, UK, Hungary and Poland. Speakers will address a wide range of issues such as the crisis of masculinity, loneliness and social atomization, feminism, the impact of secularism on fertility or the impact of global institutions on the family. The event will feature, among others, Professor Mark Regnerus, a sociologist at the University of Texas, author of dozens of scientific articles and four books focusing on marriage, family sexuality, culture and religion. Joseph Backholm, a representative of the American Family Research Council, will also speak. Belinda Brown of University College London, who has studied the phenomenon of feminism for many years, will also be one of the participants. Bracy Bersnak of the American Christendom College, who specializes in modern European history, conservatism in America, Catholic social teaching, and contemporary political thought, will also give a lecture. Árpád Mészáros, vice president of Hungary's Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families, will also speak.

Among the speakers will also be representatives of Polish centers. The conference will be attended by Michal Kot - sociologist, director of the Generations Institute, expert in demography and social policy analysis, Member of the Family Council at the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy. Also participating will be Prof. Michalski - economist, cultural studies expert, president of the Institute of Family and Social Knowledge, also a Member of the Family Council. Lawyer Rafal Dorosinski, member of the Board of Ordo Iuris, will also give a lecture.

September 30, 9:30 am

Warsaw House of Technician NOT in Warsaw

3/5 Czackiego St.


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